Worked in broad area like projects work including the Data Science, Machine Learning Algorithms, Software Development, Cryptography, Web Development and many more which reflects my curiousity toward technologies and open mindedness. Although, I am little leaned towards working in field of Data Science as I find it more interesting in terms of digging out the hidden information from the data and make use of it

Worked in broad area like projects work including the Data Science, Machine Learning Algorithms, Software Development, Cryptography, Web Development and many more which reflects my curiousity toward technologies and open mindedness. Although, I am little leaned towards working in field of Data Science as I find it more interesting in terms of digging out the hidden information from the data and make use of it

Relevant Documents

Latest Work

  • Target Region Detction

    Stack Used : Python

    Time : October 2020

    Internship with ZSoftware Inc

  • VideoAnalytics in IFOGSIM

    Stack Used : Java

    Time : August 2020

    Internship with ZSoftware Inc


Co - Curricular Activities

  • General Secratary

    Hostel Affairs, IIIT-N

    Time : 2019-2020

    Highlights : Lead a team of 23

  • Head of Team

    Hospitality Team (Tantrafiesta), Institute Technical Fest

    Time : 2020

    Highlights : Lead a team of 12-15

  • Member

    Various Teams (Tantrafiesta), Institute Technical Fest

    Time : 2017 & 2019

    Highlights : Active participation and Contribution

  • Volunteer

    IEEE Conference on CSNT, held in IIIT-N

    Time : 2017

    Highlights : Management and organization